Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama’s Acceptance Speech

From watching Obama’s acceptance speech I felt that he has somehow has melted my heart, like chocolate fondue. I was sitting down and analyzing this passionate speech for the first time and I felt that President Barrack Obama was actually making sense and saying it from the heart rather than jus reading a transcript. His speech has motivated me and a lot of people and made their spirits glow with bliss. His voice alone is so catchy since it’s so demanding and to the point rather than sloppy and boring such as former president George W. Bush. The attitude of this exceptional man’s towards building a new America under a new stimulus package is phenomenal because he wants the American people not to feel the pinch anymore and get everyone back to working and keeping them busy, thus helping the economy grow naturally.

Barrack Obama’s eye contact with his voters and his followers is also good because when you peer into his eyes it seems as if there is hope and he shows that by staring at the crowds quite frequently. With Barrack Obama there is a new America coming which will stabilize financial sectors across the world and better help the Americans, with his youthful looking face and his immaculate choice of words used in speeches he will make an impact indefinitely into their hearts, and that’s something all Americans will remember for years to come.

What impresses me the most about Barrack Obama are the various methods of rhetorical and literary devices he used in this speech. He uses rhetorical device successful, that each time he states an important point; he gets an emotional response from the audience. He uses literary device as an art to which he expresses his ideas through language, which we the audience and reader can recognize, interpret, and analyze it. Also deeper in his speech, he starts attacking the Republicans strategy by comparing his administrations with George Bush’s and John McCains. This really impressed me as in the beginning I thought he was a soft person, but deeper in his speech he attacks his opposing party, and I think this is a brave move by him. Throughout the entire speech he addressed he seemed be well prepared with enormous confidence streaming through his voice, and didn’t even have to look through at his speech, as most politicians look for referral.

It is completely different watching the video from reading the script. When you read the script it’s very easy to follow and read, but, when you see the video, it’s completely different. Watching Obama is very intriguing, as with the pauses and interruptions by the audience applauding, it makes watching the video better than reading the script. When you read the script you read it as a plane simple text, but when you translate that text and compare it with the video, the video easier to understand, and enjoy.

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