Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The art of writing a persuasive piece is that the writer must write in a fashion where, he sticks to a side, and tries to convince the reader. Trying to convince a reader is the hard part, where it requires you to have facts to support your point. This is where many fail, and without the proper formal teaching of how to write a persuasive piece, it can affect the writer. Therefore, many obstacles and difficulties are presented when writing a persuasive piece.

The obstacles lie as we tend to use opinion as facts, and not actually facts to backup our writing. Writers, like us students, should first take some time to disguise the difference between an opinion piece and a fact. Also, difficulty lies as teachers each teach different styles, thus as we progress, we get confused as which style to use, and what is expected of us. Although having an outline is the first step, most of us skip this, and go directly into typing, followed by spell-check, and hand in the next proceeding day. Preparation is also a difficulty that occurs when writing a good persuasive piece. When the writer researches in depth and understands their points at which they are arguing for, it can result in a better persuasive piece, with hard added facts. After preparation, the writer must write in a fashion, at which they can persuade their audience, and lure them into believing them. Not only after finishing writing the persuasive piece, we should also edit it. Reading it a couple of times, and have a friend editing it, can help.

For a decent persuasive piece, the writer should follow SESICU format thought in class yesterday. SESICU is structured as; stating, explaining, supporting, illustrating, connecting, and uniting. Following SESICU can benefit your persuasive piece, if it is followed properly. Using several types of rhetorical devices can also enhance your persuasive piece. Looking at U.S President Barrack Obama, where he uses a lot of rhetorical devices to connect and persuade his audience, you can learn out of tricks.

I believe it is too late for any support from teachers at this stage of the course. The burden is on the students. I believe they should do their own research and try to understand the material on their own. In university the professors wont be there to spoon feed you, and teach you the material you should already been taught.


  1. I will provide as much support as it's realistically possible without putting the course skills in jeopardy. :)

  2. Well done.Your summary have lots of good points.But I'm not agree that you said, "it is too late for any support from teachers''.I belive it is the right time to ask help from teachers. Through the help of our teachers we can correct our weak points.So that we can be prepare for university.

  3. One suggestion: when you say "he" you are only refering to males. In today's society, that would be frowned upon. Back in the olden days yes, they talked about men only, but now its different. This does not change my opinion about your writing piece, and you have tons of information. I would say you wrote alot more than some people. So keep up the good work! Just keep in mind that it would be incorrect to say "he" only. Refer to people as people

  4. Thank you Ms. C, Nargis, and Saiharan.
    Thanks Saiharan, your talking about the first sentence..right? yeah thanks for noticing that..its an mistake. You know how to edit that by anychance?
