Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is it subjective or a universal truth about what constitutes “good” and “evil”?

I believe it is subjective as to what constitutes as “good” and “evil”. Depending on the perspective your looking from an action can be classified as a good or evil. In society, if a kid steals a loaf of bread, then from people’s perspective they would consider this kid as evil or bad. If you viewed the kid from his background, and you find out that the kid have ill parents, whom are homeless. Would this act constitute as a good or evil?

There are many factors that make one evil or good. Depending on nature or nurture, it all influences you, and depending on how you are brought up or taught, many things can be considered evil, but for others in society, it can be seen as good. Religion, morals, and values mainly rely on the individual and how they interpret things. If a person doesn’t follow, what should be followed by there society, it may seem good for them, but from others perception this is seen as an evil or disgrace.

Therefore, when trying to constitute what is good or evil, a person must analyze the concept. Without understanding the background to a person act, one action may see as evil, but to the person committing the act, it can be constitute as a good deed/action. Although with all mankind, there are already the set morals, values in society. If you commit murder, or anything to harm a living thing, is already known to as an act of evil. Any charitable or good will, towards people, person and etc. is known as an act of good. So, with set evil and good, they are already pre-determined, so it also is universal truth.


  1. Hey Dusiy! I think that good is universal and evil is subjective (just in my opinion, but you do prove your points well. Religion definitely plays a big role on how one sees good and evil. Well written!

  2. "I believe it is subjective as to what constitutes as “good” and “evil”. Depending on the perspective your looking from an action can be classified as a good or evil."

    Syntactical and diction isuues with your writing.


    Overgeneralization and cliched reasoning constitutes faulty logic.
