Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is Nature of Good?

From the ancient ritually of religion, ethics, and philosophy, the phrase good and evil deprive from the meaning of location of objects, desires, and behaviours. With good and evil, one side would be considered morally positive (good), while the other side would be morally negative (evil). To define both good and evil are broad, had have a vast amount of meaning and definition. Thus, in our society good and evil differ throughout the region of this world, as different parts of the world have different aspects and perspective on determining the nature or good or evil.

Good can be considered as a person contributing and producing positive outcome for the society. Acts of good can be considered as someone giving back to the community or helping the society become prosperous, better, and healthy. A great example would be the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. With all the riches and wealth he possesses, he manages to give back a portion of his wealth through charity to the needed ones in society. But, is this act of good nature? Sure, but we would have to look at the other side and the full concept of his actions. Why would a rich, wealthy person, whom can control a state if he wanted to, help out the poor and needed? This is a guy that makes more money than the GDP of come countries. Some say to the nature of good, there are also motives behind it. In Bill Gates case, by him donating a portion his personal wealth or earning back to a charitable organization, he can receive a tax relief or tax credit. So are his kind hearted charitable donations, a nature of good, or is there a motive or perspective behind the curtains? Nevertheless he still contributed to a needy and good cause.

People like Martin Luther King, Mohandas Ghandi, Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, can be considered as the ones whom have the nature of good in their heart, thus producing and contributing positive outcomes towards society in their time. These people listed above have tired nevertheless to bring peace, freedom and liberty and defeat slavery in society. Even though these people, didn’t possess wealth like Bill Gates, with there own heart and soul, they fought and contributed for this peace, freedom, liberty that we have today. These people with there own actions that produced positive outcomes for society, can truly be said that there actions were nature of good. There motives were positive and they wanted to help other people, not because they can get an tax break, or recognition, they did it for the future scholars of the world. These future scholars are us, and we should appreciate the hard fought battles and obstacle these people, mentioned above have gone through.

In today’s society good and evil are already pre-decided. Meaning that whatever action you do, it will either produce a good deed or an evil. If your nature is good (positive) or evil (negative), in society, the consequences are already known, and society will reflect upon your decisions. Say, if a student cheats on a test, then in society that is known as evil or negative. At the same time, if the student came in continuously for help, days before the test, then it is the nature of good that the student came in, forfeiting cheating or getting a low mark on the test.

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